wetplate collodion photographer in denver, colorado tintype photographer

Wild West Winterfest
Tintype Photobooth

Golden, Colorado

Powder7 and Icelantic Skis brought me out to their fantastic ski season kickoff party called the Wild West Winterfest. It was a super fun party with bluegrass bands, and mechanical bull, a custom cowboy hat company, and myself rocking by the upstairs bar.

The space wasn't exactly ideal, but in typical me fashion, I make it work and we got some really cool portraits.

Everyone at the event was in amazing spirits and dressed up for some true wild west fun. So to have me and my 135 year old camera gear from 1890 there was truly fitting.

If you have an event coming up and want some super unique options for your spectators and guests, shoot me and email. I would love to come to your event and share the history and to take some timeless portraits.

tintype photobooth wild west winterfest musician with mandolin
tintype photobooth wild west winterfest couple near brick wall tintype photobooth wild west winterfest two couples in western wear tintype photobooth wild west winterfest large group portrait tintype photobooth wild west winterfest women cowboy crew tintype photobooth wild west winterfest couples in cowboy hats tintype photobooth wild west winterfest cowboy hats and babies tintype photobooth wild west winterfest couple with an intense stare tintype photobooth wild west winterfest three friends together tintype photobooth wild west winterfest girl in cowboy hat with a sloth tintype photobooth wild west winterfest large group portrait tintype photobooth wild west winterfest couples together in cowboy hats tintype photobooth wild west winterfest man and women alone in cowboy hats tintype photobooth wild west winterfest man alone with ski goggles tintype photobooth wild west winterfest group portrait of 5 people looking intense

Tintype Photobooth for Events

My tintype photo booth is available for corporate events and conventions or even street fairs. Images are ready in a matter of minutes and ready to go right away. I produce 5x7 metallic prints on-site. All portraits are created using a 150 year old historic camera and lenses.

Tintype Photobooth Features:

  • I can produce approx 20-30 images an hour vs 4

  • No weather or location limits

  • Final portraits are ready in minutes

  • Copies are available

  • Unlimited metallic prints

  • Prints can be branded

  • Custom labeled photo jackets

  • I can guarantee results