wetplate collodion photographer in denver, colorado tintype photographer

Spirits and Spirits Tintype Photobooth

Denver, Colorado

Four Mile Historic Park invited my tintype photobooth to produce portraits at thier Victorian Halloween Cocktail Party called Spirits and Spirits.

Guests were able to participate in the seance, a mourning ceremony, tarot readings, aura photography, real tattoos, drag bingo, crafts and food.

In their words, "For a truly eerie experience, participate in a seance of the historic Four Mile House. Feel the chill of the past as you engage in spine-tingling rituals that echo the spiritual practices of the 19th century. Head downstairs to discover a Victorian Mourning Ceremony and learn about the practices of the past. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your own tin-type photo taken, capturing a vintage spirit that resonates with the haunting atmosphere of the era."

If you have an event coming up and want some super unique options for your spectators and guests, shoot me and email. I would love to come to your event and share the history and to take some timeless portraits.

spirits and spirits tintype photobooth
spirits and spirits tintype photobooth mourning ceremony women outside four mile house spirits and spirits tintype photobooth mourning women spirits and spirits tintype photobooth victorian mourning woman four mile historic park spirits and spirits tintype photobooth ghost photos spirits and spirits tintype photobooth throuple outside schoolhouse spirits and spirits tintype photobooth ghostly portraits spirits and spirits tintype photobooth couples spirits and spirits tintype photobooth women in scarves and wild hair spirits and spirits tintype photobooth lady with hand earrings  spirits and spirits tintype photobooth couple with masquerade costumes spirits and spirits tintype photobooth family with mother and 2 daughters spirits and spirits tintype photobooth horror makeup couples couples tintype portraits in window spirits and spirits tintype photobooth family tintype spirits and spirits tintype photobooth victorian halloween party spirits and spirits tintype photobooth large group portrait spirits and spirits tintype photobooth witchy victorian halloween party spirits and spirits tintype photobooth face makeup spirits and spirits tintype photobooth deadpool tintypes spirits and spirits tintype photobooth three friends

Tintype Photobooth for Events

My tintype photo booth is available for corporate events and conventions or even street fairs. Images are ready in a matter of minutes and ready to go right away. I produce 5x7 metallic prints on-site. All portraits are created using a 150 year old historic camera and lenses.

Tintype Photobooth Features:

  • I can produce approx 20-30 images an hour vs 4

  • No weather or location limits

  • Final portraits are ready in minutes

  • Copies are available

  • Unlimited metallic prints

  • Prints can be branded

  • Custom labeled photo jackets

  • I can guarantee results