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Beard and Mustache Competition Tintypes

Mile High Beard Bout

I have seen photographs of these competitions and I was so amazed at the creativity and just how awesome the beards can get. Some contestants get super creative. When Sean invited me to come take tintype I JUMPED at the chance. He's the gent below in the top hat.

People come from all over the country to compete for titles in various divisions. Most times for some pretty cool trophies but also for the titles to go into other competitions around the United States.

If you have an event coming up and want some super unique options for your spectators and guests, shoot me and email. I would love to come to your event and share the history and to take some timeless portraits.

tintype of a man with a fuzzy wild natural beard

Beard and Mustache Competition Divisions

Competetitors have several events they can enter. Some are more open with rules while other are very strict. Most times the limitations are a natural division and the styled divisions where styling products are allowed - and rewarded.

Here are the competition categories:

  • Full Beard Natural Under 12 inches

    - No styling aids allowed; the beard is judged in its natural state. Only for lengths under 12 inches.
  • Full Beard Natural Over 12 inches

    - No styling aids allowed; the 12 inches and over beard is judged in its natural state for fullness, texture, and length.
  • Full Beard with Styled Stache

    - The full beard is natural, but the mustache is styled, often with wax or other products.
  • Natural Mustache

    - Judges will be looking for a natural moustache with no styling aids present. Any length of moustache will be accepted.
  • Styled Mustache

    - Mustache is shaped and styled, typically with wax or other products.
  • Freestyle Speed Style

    - Contestants have 60 minutes to style a full beard and mustache using whatever styling products they wish.
  • Business Beard

    - A well-presented, “Professional” beard with an overall groomed presentation. This is traditionally a shorter, groomed beard, but all lengths are accepted. Styling Aids permitted.
  • Partial Beard

    - Partial beards include Goatee, Whaler, Sideburns, and Three Points (Musketeer).
  • Whiskerina Natural

    - A category to include the kids and women. Contestants must use natural hair without styling products to create a beard and or beard/mustache combo. Its pretty impressive how they do this.
  • Whiskerina Creative

    - Another category where contestants create a beard/mustache out of any material such as legos, feathers, dollhouses. There is no limit and these ladies get insanely creative.

tintype of a dapper santa at the mile high beard bout
tintype of runner up in speed style freestyle competition

tintype of best styled mustache mile high beard bout
tintype of man natural beard under 12 inches mile high beard bout
tintype intense stare styled mustace mile high beard bout
tintype of best styled natural mustace mile high beard bout
tintype intense man styled white beard mile high beard bout
tintype natural beard over 12 inches mile high beard bout
tintype of best business beard at the mile high beard bout
tintype of a natural beard under 12 inches at the mile high beard bout
speedstyle champion at the mile high beard bout
tintype couple bearded man with streaks mile high beard bout
tintype of a couple and man's super long beard

Tintype Photobooth for Events

My hybrid technique enables me to set up a tintype photo booth at corporate events and conventions or even street fairs. Images are ready in a matter of minutes and ready to go right away. I produce 5x7 metallic prints on-site. I use the same 150 year old historic camera and lenses.

The final metallic prints are amazing and have a very unique character. They are amazing gifts for your guests. The final prints come in a jacket for safe keeping and display.

Tintype Photobooth Features:

  • I can produce approx 30 images an hour vs 4

  • No weather or location limits

  • Final portraits are ready in minutes

  • Copies are available

  • Unlimited metallic prints

  • Prints can be branded

  • Custom labeled photo jackets

  • I can guarantee results

tintype of a dapper santa at the mile high beard bout