wetplate collodion photographer in denver, colorado tintype photographer

Tintype Photobooth Anniversary Party Devil's Thumb Ranch

Tabernash, Colorado

The Devil's Thumb Ranch had us come out for their 20th anniversary party to celebrate with the owners and special guests.

Hard to believe its only and already been 20 years of the Devils Thumb Guest Ranch. I have photographed a few weddings here over the years in the summer and even a winter one. It's always a great time and some pretty great views in their little valley. It's always nice to see the horses as well.

The Devils Thumb Ranch is in a teensy town called Tabernash that is just outside of Winter Park and Granby Colorado. You have probably been on that road and not even realized it.

They have a large main lodge with rooms and several guest cabins and a secondary lodge with a bunch of rooms together down the road. There's lots of things to do between horseback riding, hiking, fishing. Check out thier yearly and seasonal activities here.

If you have an event coming up and want some super unique options for your spectators and guests, shoot me and email. I would love to come to your event and share the history and to take some timeless portraits.

devils thumb ranch anniversary party tintype photobooth
devils thumb ranch tintype of couple devils thumb ranch tintype of african american man in glasses and cowboy hat devils thumb ranch tintype of couples in hats devils thumb ranch tintype of couples large cowboy hat devils thumb ranch tintype of couples in cowboy hats devils thumb ranch tintype of man in black cowboy hat devils thumb ranch tintype of ladies devils thumb ranch tintype of white suit cowboy couple tintype photobooth photographs of couples tintype of couples devils thumb ranch tintype of bluegrass band tintype photograph of group at a party devils thumb ranch tintype of big group at the party

Tintype Photobooth for Events

My tintype photo booth is available for corporate events and conventions or even street fairs. Images are ready in a matter of minutes and ready to go right away. I produce 5x7 metallic prints on-site. All portraits are created using a 150 year old historic camera and lenses.

Tintype Photobooth Features:

  • I can produce approx 20-30 images an hour vs 4

  • No weather or location limits

  • Final portraits are ready in minutes

  • Copies are available

  • Unlimited metallic prints

  • Prints can be branded

  • Custom labeled photo jackets

  • I can guarantee results